Home Page  of the Shared Concern method (SCm) 
April 14th 2001 
Therapeutic mediation as an expression of
Shared Concern method
Therapeutic mediation comes from the Shared Concern method. (SCm)
The participants of the training course begin by writing down their own ideas on conflict mediation. These ideas are roughly the same for UN officials in Geneva and students in Russia and Sweden, reflecting two archetypes. The dominant one is that of a judge-king. The preferred one is that of a "shared solution facilitator". 

Understanding the archetypes is immediate; the method of releasing the archetype of a "shared solution facilitator" needs training.

Differentiating between therapeutic 
and traditional mediation

What is meant by "archetypes" in 

Learning therapeutic mediation in accordance with the Shared Concern method (SCm)

The Shared Concern method:
The mediator holds relaxed separate talks with the  parties reinforcing the tiniest concerns they can share with the other party. The line is: 


The mediator does not start a joint meeting before a shared solution is likely.

The mediator does not close the meeting  before the parties have stated what should be done if any of them should transgress the peace agreement.

We train this in courses of therapeutic mediation. Video recordings from role plays of previous courses and of the participants' own performances are anlysed. In four week courses the participants become skilled in fulfilling their own ideals of mediation.  Can participants of a four day course achieve the same if they prepare the course by reading this home page?

Four weeks' successful courses on therapeutic mediation
A short course in therapeutic 
mediation for UN officials in 
A four days' course in Pskov, Russia 
opened future perspectives

UN Declaration of Rights needs 
Directions for Use
Origin  of  SCm in tackling 
shool bullying
References About the author 
SCm in a nutshell
SCm = Humanity by doing x democracy by doing x peace education by doing


Polina playing the role of a boss who was bullied.

Link to the provisional homeside during November 2001